About us

Proudly Colombian, with over 60 years of experience, we are a group of companies operationally connected through engineering, supply, production, construction, assembly, operation, repair and maintenance, guaranteeing efficient, responsible and low-cost management to our clients through the interrelation of each one of our companies’ business lines:

E   léctricas de Medellín Ingeniería y Servicios - Edemsa


T   ermotécnica Coindustrial


H   B Estructuras Metálicas


U   nidad de Infraestructura y Construcciones Asociadas – U.N.I.C.A.


S   adelec – Fábrica de Estructuras Sade Eléctricas


S   ervicios Públicos

HB SADELEC BOGOTÁ COLOMBIA - AV. CARRERA 129 NO. 17F - 97 (57 - 1) 422 47 00
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